Prayer Wall

God heal my heart and my marriage. Jesus in Your Name let Your Forgiveness overcome and overwhelm my wife and our family. Jesus I revere and love you. Holy Spirit touch my marriage. Jesus help my son. God heal Soleus from addiction

Lillie Lim
Please uphold me in prayer for a complete healing of my leukemia cancer, which I have been diagnosed with since Jan 2023. I am still undergoing treatment. Thank You

Edwin Washington
Pray for the Soul and Family of Malcolm Eugene Daye. Past away by heart attack at 66 years old. My best friend!
19 people prayed for this request!

Jamice Holley
Please pray for complete healing of my body! Thank you!
25 people prayed for this request!

Please pray for my company and God’s blessing to pour down on us in jesus’ name!
21 people prayed for this request!

A Prayerful Congregation · Walking In The Spirit · Bringing Souls to Christ

2020 13th St. NW | Washington, DC 20009
(202) 232-1120

